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Motorola APX 6500 Single-Band P25

Mobile Public Safety Two-Way Radios

Air Comm is authorized to sell APX models within the state of Utah only.

Mission Ready When It Matters Most

Motorola put exceptional flexibility into an advanced mission critical mobile radio that’s easy to operate and intuitive to use. The APX 6500 P25 mobile allows users to choose from 4 control heads; mid- and high-power models and multiple installation configurations in an easy-to-install design. Innovative safety features such as GPS location tracking, intelligent lighting and one-touch controls help keep first responders safer than ever before.



  • Interchangeable control heads that best support your operational needs - O2, O3, O5, O7 and O9.
  • Two transceiver options - high-power and mid-power.
  • Dual control head support offered on the O2, O5, O7 and O9 control heads.


  • Mid-power model fits into any existing XTL footprint, so you can reuse mounting holes and cables.
  • High-power model trunnion design lets you remove the radio without removing the cables.
  • 12 character RF ID label helps you track information without uninstalling your radio.


  • Project 25  Phase 2 technology provides twice the voice capacity.
  • Integrated GPS lets you locate and track an individual or vehicle.
  • Advanced features like intelligent lighting, radio profiles and text messaging improve communication and coordination.


Available in 700/800 MHz, VHF, UHF R1 and UHF R2 bands
Channels: 1000 (Expandable to 3000)
Trunking Standards supported: Clear or digital encrypted Trunked Operation
Capable of SmartZone®, SmartZone Omnilink, SmartNet®
Analog MDC-1200 and Digital APCO P25 Conventional System Configurations
Narrow and  wide bandwidth digital receiver
(6.25/12.5/20/25 kHz)
Embedded Digital Signaling (ASTRO and ASTRO 25)
Integrated Encryption Hardware
Software Key
ASTRO 25 Integrated Voice & Data
Intelligent Priority Scan
Intelligent Lighting
Integrated GPS/GLONASS for outdoor location tracking
Radio Profiles
Unified Call List
Tactical Inhibit
Instant Recall
Meets applicable MIL-STD 810C, D, E, F and G
Ships standard IP54
Customer Programming Software (CPS) supported on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 (Windows 7 or 8 required for CPS R12.00.00 [June 2014] and later)

  • Supports USB Communications
  • Built in FLASHport™ support

Re-uses XTL™ and IMPRES accessories


Enhanced Encryption Software Options
Programming over Project 25 (POP25)
Text Messaging
Over the Air Rekeying (OTAR)
12 character RF ID asset tracking
Tactical OTAR
Siren and Light Interface Module

Control Head Portfolio:

Download the APX 6500 Radio Specifications document for details on:

  • O2 Rugged Control Head
  • O3 Hand Held Control Head
  • O5 Standard Control Head
  • O7 Enhanced Control Head
  • O9 Integrated Control Head

Product Video

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